--Planetary Positions on 10th January 5114 BC – Navmi of Chaitra Month.
NASA Picture of 30 Km long Rama Setu in Palk Strait between Rameswaram & Mannar, Srilanka

These pictures of Ramsetu available on Google Earth very clearly indicate human activities along with the natural formations – See the boundaries
Was Lord Rama Truth or Myth??
Shri Ram being most basic to Indian ‘ethos’, it is necessary to know who is Shri Ram? Was he really born? If yes, when and where? As is believed by crores of people did he really put his feet on the territory of India from North to South, reducing the sufferings of mankind and ensuring victory of good over evil? Let us have a look at historical facts -The story of Shri Ram’s life was first narrated by Maharishi Valmiki in ‘The Ramayan’ which was written after Shri Ram was crowned as the king of Ayodhya. Maharishi Valmiki was a great astronomer as he has made sequential astronomical references on important dates related to the life of Shri Ram indicating the location of planets vis-a-vis zodiac constellations and the other visible stars (nakshatras). Needless to add that similar position of planets and nakshatras vis-a-vis zodiac constellations is not repeated in thousands of years. By entering the precise details of the planetary configuration of the important events in the life of Shri Ram as given in the Valmiki Ramayan in the software named ‘Planetarium Gold’ corresponding exact dates of these events according to English calendar can be known.Sh. Pushkar Bhatnagar of Indian Revenue Service had acquired from USA the software named 'Planetarium Gold' (of Fogware Publishing) which is used to predict the solar/lunar eclipses and distance and location of other planets from earth by the scientists and astronomers. He entered the relevant details about the planetary positions vis-à-vis zodiac constellations narrated by Maharishi Valmiki and obtained very interesting and convincing results, which almost determine the important dates starting from the birth of Shri Ram to the date of his coming back to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Sh.Pushkar Bhatnagar has given very authentic and convincing details of these dates in his book titled ‘Dating the Era of Lord Ram’ published by Rupa & Co., some extracts from which are being summarised in the succeeding paras.Date of Birth of Lord Ram: Maharishi Valmiki has recorded in Bal Kaand Sarga 18 and Shloka 8 & 9 (1/18/8,9) that Shri Ram was born on 9th tithi of Chaitra month during day time when the position of different planets vis-à-vis zodiac constellations and nakshatras (visible stars) was as under:-i) Sun in Aries ii) Saturn in Libraiii) Jupiter in Cancer iv) Venus in Piscesv) Mars in Capricorn vi) Lunar month of Chaitravii) Ninth day after no moon viii) Lagna as Cancer (cancer was rising in the east)ix) Moon on the Punarvasu (Gemini constellation & Pollux star)This data, was fed into the 'Planetarium Gold' software, the results indicated that this was exactly the location of planets/stars vis-à-vis zodiac constellations on the 10th of January noon time in the year 5114 BC if viewed from latitude/ longitude of Ayodhya (250N 810E). Thus Shri Ram was born on 10th January in 5114 BC (i.e. 7117 years back). By making use of software to convert solar calendar into lunar calendar, it was found that this date also happened to be the 9th day of Shukla Paksha in ‘Chaitra’ month and the time was around 12 to 1 noontime. This is exactly the time and date when Ram Navmi is celebrated all over India till date. The relevant sky view generated by Planetarium Software is enclosed.Planetary Positions on 10th January 5114 BC – Navmi of Chaitra Month
In Valmiki Ramayana, it is mentioned that Shri Ram’s army constructed a bridge over the sea between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka. After crossing this bridge Shri Ram’s army had defeated Ravana, the Demon King. Recently NASA had put pictures on internet of a 30 k.m. long bridge, the ruins of which are lying submerged in Palk Strait between Rameshwaram and Sri Lanka (pictures enclosed). In fact, Valmiki Ramayan refers to “Nal” as an expert shilpkaar in construction of bridges like Vishvakarma and he got the stones, rocks, trees brought by Vanar Sena adjusted on the route where sea had the least depth and the other Vanras were holding long ropes on both the side for holding the material together. (6/ 22/ 46 & 60 to 73) The construction of Ramsetu completed in five days by connecting the existing land route consisting of islands, rocks and shoals.
This bridge was being used as land route between India and Sri Lanka for thousands of years. King Asoka’s son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra had used this bridge to go to Sri Lanka more than 2,300 years back. Muslims believe that Adam had gone to Adam hill in Sri Lanka for penance by making use of this bridge. A gazette notification issued by British Govt on Madras Presidency in 1803 has stated that Rama Setu was being used as land link between Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka until 15th century AD when it got damaged and submerged due to cyclone and storm. Dutch and French maps drawn in 16 th and 17th centuries show this Rama Setu as operational land route between Rameswaram (India) and Talai Mannar (Sri Lanka) – available in Saraswati Mahal Library, Tanjore.
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